Desktop Icon Separator Software Applications

Since 27 sept 2009, contact e-mail pesoft @ sky. Fr is not working anymore, change it to tinyresmeter @ pesoft. Com TinyResMeter is a small tool that displays useful information about system resources in real time, but it also gives much more detail when you right-click on the displayed fields! BONUS built-in function that redirects the original PrintScreen key and makes it save screenshots into.BMP files with automatic file renaming. Press PrintScreen as many times as you want, and you'll get instant screenshot files you can work on later.

Desktop Icon Separator Software ApplicationsDesktop Icon Separator Software Applications

Supporting Shell Applications Registering an Internet Browser or Email Client with the Windows Start Menu. Jun 20, 2012. If you use the Desktop context menu often, wouldn't it be useful if you could add program shortcuts to it so you can quickly access your favorite apps? We've shown you. NOTE: To use the icon from the program's.exe file, see our article about extracting icons from application files. Select the Position for the.

The use of Delphi library and direct API programming permitted cery small code size. Why TinyResMeter?

Blu Ray Xp Driver 5 3 0 1 X86 Or X64 on this page. - It is not the prettiest Resource Monitor. - It is not the most complete. - It has no wonderful and amazing graphical interface. - It has no installer.But. - It is written 90% at pure API level to keep it as small as possible.

- It does not require any extra non standard DLL. - It does not modify/write inside the Registry (except if you set it to autorun). - It uses less memory and resources than most tools of its kind. - It uses a very simple but efficient small display interface. - It does not use any installer that could increase EXE size; once downloaded you can use it immediately. - It can be simply copied and executed on any machine with no need for an installation procedure. - It use very small screen space.

- It's perfect tool for low-end computer or NetBooks! To send a comment or report an error.

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The more people subscribe, the more effort will be put into improving it. Because of some abuses, temporary/trashable e-mail accounts/domains are not allowed, if you use one, the subscription may be rejected. If you do not receive subscription confirmation's e-mail within minutes: Hotmail users, for unknown reason, hotmail may never deliver the confirmation mail or move it into junk folder, some other mail domains like Gmail may move confirmation into spam folder.

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