History Of Second World War In Tamil Pdf

• Singapore is a. The Republic of Singapore is an and at the southern end of the in. Singapore is north of the. Its closest neighbours are and. About 5.40 million live in Singapore, of which 3.31 million are citizens, and most of them (76%) are. In, an old language, 'Singapura', from which Singapore got its name, means ' City' commonly ruled by Sultans. Singapore is also commonly known as a 'Garden City' or a 'City in a Garden' because there are plants everywhere, making it look like a garden.

History Of Second World War In Tamil Pdf

The History of British Ceylon began in 1815 when the Kandyan Kingdom fell into the hands of the British. It ended over 2300 years of Sinhalese monarchy rule on the.

The national of Singapore is and the other official of Singapore are, and. English is the language of choice because it is the language that almost everyone in Singapore knows. It is the first language taught in schools and the language used by the.

Are also taught their first language. This means that the Chinese will learn Mandarin and the Malays will learn Malay, and so on. Students can also choose to learn a third language in. Singapore is also known for, or, which is English mixed with some words from Malay and other local languages.

The government runs a campaign, the, against Singlish as there is a high consensus that it makes Singaporeans look less educated and intelligent than they are. Before 1819 [ ] Singapore's name comes from 'Singa Pura' which means Lion City in.

According to the Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals), a prince called Sang Nila Utama landed on Temasek (Singapore's old name) and saw a which is called 'Singa' in Malay. Thus he gave the a new name, 'Singapura'. However, Sang Nila Utama was likely mistaken, as lions never existed in Singapore.

It is believed that the 'lion' was actually a, which exists in neighbouring, and is in Singapore. There were also many pieces of old items, such as chinese coins, that showed that Temasek was a trading port even before the British came in and took over the island. 1819 to 1940 [ ] Singapore was set up as a town in by, and became an important town in the Malay Archipelago, 'Singapore'. The country was given rank in. When Raffles landed in Singapore, he paid the then a sum of money for a piece of land in the South of Singapore. In August 1824, Dr.

John Crawfurd signed a treaty with the Sultan for control over the whole tropical island. World War II [ ]. Main page: In 1941, due to the weak of the country, the Japanese attacked Singapore and took control of the colony on. The country was renamed to (pronounced as Sho-nan-to), meaning Light of the South, during the rule. The British decided to to the Japanese on 15 February 1942 at the Ford Motor Factory.

People of Singapore went through hard times during the Japanese rule, until the surrender of the Japanese in September. This was called the Japanese occupation. Singapore was then returned back to the British. Many people were or killed by the Japanese as they did not follow the rules properly or because they were suspected of going against the Japanese.

The hard times during made the people think that the British were not as strong as before. Therefore, many people wanted. Independence [ ] In Singapore joined with, and to form the new nation of.

Malaysia is a country with many. In Malaya, only the have special benefits. For example, the Malays can get university education more easily than other races. As most people in Singapore are, Singapore wanted for all the people of Malaysia. Singapore also wanted a common market to be set up so that goods to Malaysia would not be taxed. However, this was not done and caused arguments between the of Singapore and the government of Malaysia.

Singapore separated from Malaysia and became on its own on. After Independence [ ] After Independence, the president of Singapore was and its prime minister was. Dvdfab Mac Serial Key here. At first, many people thought Singapore would not be able to continue on its own.

In 1967 Singapore helped to start the and in 1970 it joined the. Lee Kuan Yew was in charge of the country as and saw it become very. In 1990, replaced Lee Kuan Yew as prime minister, while Lee Kuan Yew became. When Goh Chok Tong was Prime Minister, Singapore went through the, the 2003 outbreak and threats. In 2004,, the son of Lee Kuan Yew, took over as Prime Minister.

Goh Chok Tong became the Senior Minister, and Lee Kuan Yew became the of Singapore. Government and politics [ ].

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