Installer Tome 1 Mpq Starcraft 2

Installer Tome 1 Mpq Starcraft 2

I keep getting an error when i try to install Starcraft 1 from the Special edition pen drive i got with starcraft 2. I dunno what to do besides download it from but it takes forever. Lancars 2429 posts Lancars. So no one can help me with my problem?

Hi, Startool seems to be incompatible with StarCraft Best Seller Series Edition: samuel@portable:~/starcraft/stargus-instdir/bin$./startool /media/cdrom0/ /home/samuel/starcraft/ Extract from '/media/cdrom0/' to '/home/samuel/starcraft/' Using mpq list file '/home/samuel/starcraft/' Please be patient, the data may take a couple of minutes to extract. Archive '/media/cdrom0//install.exe' Can't open /media/cdrom0//install.exe Could not open archive '/media/cdrom0//install.exe', skipping Archive '/media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq' Can't open /media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq Could not open archive '/media/cdrom0//stardat.mpq', skipping Fatal error: Cannot extract data Certainly because files are named differently: samuel@portable:~$ ls /media/cdrom0 Autorun.inf Installer.ico Installer Tome.mpq StarCraft (Windows).exe I'm running latest bazaar revisions for both Stratagus and Stargus, on Debian 7.1 64 bits.

Installer Tome 1 Mpq Starcraft 2

Sincerely, Samuel Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh. • date created: 2013-07-26T14:59:25Z • owner: samuel-viscapi • the launchpad url was. (by samuel-viscapi) Hi, /media/cdrom0 cp Installer Tome.mpq /home/samuel/install.exe mkdir /home/samuel/starcraft/ cp /home/samuel/starcraft/stargus/mpqlist.txt /home/samuel/starcraft/ cd /home/samuel/starcraft/stargus/build./startool /home/samuel /home/samuel/starcraft/ samuel@portable:~/starcraft/stargus/build$./startool /home/samuel /home/samuel/starcraft/ Extract from '/home/samuel' to '/home/samuel/starcraft/' Using mpq list file '/home/samuel/starcraft/' Please be patient, the data may take a couple of minutes to extract. Archive '/home/samuel/install.exe' Not found: files stardat.mpq Bye, Sam.

(by electricprism-m) After banging my head against the wall I finally was able to generate a file on Arch Linux. I first mounted my starcraft backup iso. Startool usage is as follows $ startool -h startool V1.0 for Stratagus (c) 2002-2012 by the Stratagus Project.

Written by Lutz Sammer, Nehal Mistry, and Jimmy Salmon and Pali Rohar. Usage: startool archive-directory [destination-directory] [mpqlist-file] -V Show version -h Show usage archive-directory Directory which include the archive install.exe or stardat.mpq. Destination-directory Directory where the extracted files are placed. Mpqlist-file mpqlist.txt file which contains mpq file names I had to manually specify the 3rd hidden option 'mpqlist-file' - once I manually linked to this file it was able to build a file in my home directory. Startool /run/media/electricprism/StarCraft /home/electricprism/ /usr/share/games/stratagus/stargus/mpqlist.txt Hope this info helps others out there experiencing the same problem.

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