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B/C 320 TRACING AMERICA’S ENSLAVEMENT TO JEWISH BANKERS By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2011 Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner & Link To (SM) Support The Brother Nathanael Foundation! Or Send Your Contribution To: The Brother Nathanael Foundation, PO Box 547, Priest River ID 83856 E-mail: bronathanael@yahoo.com ___________________ DOMINATED BY SEPHARDIC JEWISH BANKERS, the private Bank of England expanded its investments into North America largely through the Hudson Bay Company. General Motors Gm Laam Keygen Software. , &. The early American colonists of the 17th Century were beholden to the Bank of England’s Jewish owners — from their labor — as repayment for funding the “opportunity” to create a new way of life in the New World. Struggling to be released from the burden of debt to the Bank of England, the colonists the Massachusetts Bay Company, printing its own home-grown paper money in 1690, a currency not backed by silver or gold.
1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul. Oct 24, 2015. Developing countries. In Saudi Arabia, urbanization is exceptionally rapid, especially in large metropolitan areas, such as Dammam. 2015 TIME HORIZON = 25 Years 2040. 1993 (estimate). Just 2,096 hectares in 1973, to 8762 hectares In 1982, to 16,148 hectares In 2004, and is expected to reach.
In other words, it was a fiat money, by England’s parliament, in a continual conflict with their American subjects regarding taxes and all other debts. By 1742, with every colonial Royal Governor instructed to curtail the issue of colonial money, the British Resumption Act that taxes be paid in gold. This caused a depression in the colonies - property was seized by the Royalists for one-tenth of its value. Benjamin Franklin, a of the colonies printing their own money, in his, that the main cause of the Revolutionary War of 1776 was not the tax on tea or the Stamp Act but King George’s refusal to accept the paper money of his subjects.. By winning the war in 1783, the colonists took control of their own government.
Yet, America to the Jewish owners of the Bank of England, which by this time the Rothschilds, Montefiores, Goldsmids, Mocattas, and the Oppenheimers, (all powerful Jewish families with control of the gold trade), by Nathan Mayer Rothschild.,,, &. The ‘united States,’ in spite of the historical propaganda we are forced-fed with, was NOT free. Gta San Andreas Ios Free Download No Jailbreak. A DEBT BURDENED NATION THE COLONISTS MAY HAVE WON THE WAR but they were still in bondage to the Jewish Bankers. Reeling under the debt, the united States re-introduced taxes to pay off their Jewish masters. Thus, Alexander Hamilton, of international Jewry, Congress to pass the 1791 Assumption Act — which created America’s first national bank, the First Bank of America, chartered by the private Bank of England for a term of twenty years — in its plan to control the monies of the so-called “independent” united States.
In other words, in creating this bank, America was forced to charter it with the same Jewish bankers that were holding its debts before the “war of independence.” In 1811, the twenty year contract with the Bank of England expired. The struggling new nation to renew the charter with its attendant enslavement. In response, England with America in what we now call the War of 1812. The Brits invaded Washington DC the White House, the Treasury Department Building, and the Library of Congress. Although “court historians” that America “won” the War of 1812, it actually lost it.
The accumulated debt as a result of this war dictated the creation of a new central bank by European financiers. Thus, in 1816, President James Madison was compelled to the Second Bank of the United States. And again, it was chartered by the private Bank of England which held. And so, America’s enslavement to Jewish bankers continued for yet another 20 years. FREE AT LAST? FOUR YEARS BEFORE the charter was set to expire in 1836, President Andrew Jackson its renewal putting the Rothschilds and their fellow Jews in America.
Jackson not only the unconstitutional minting of US money by private interests but also had the brains to the problem. Although now by economists such as Lyndon LaRouche and associates, for the greater good of America, President Jackson federal troops into the states who refused, (albeit indirectly), to pay off the debt to Jewish bankers, forcing those states to collect taxes. Behringer Usb Audio Interface Driver Download. ,, &. For seventy-seven years, although argued that of America’s railroads and kept the nation under Jewry’s thrall, America was no longer under the heel of Jewish bankers. Andrew Jackson, remarkablyfederal force notwithstandingpaid off the debt. But sadly, to America’s tragedy, in 1913 the privately-owned Jewish consortium slavery apparatus, the Federal Reserve Bank, was by Jewry’s shill in the White House, Woodrow Wilson. This pawn of the Jews, Wilson, obeying his Jewish masters, the ‘Jew-tax’ upon Americans, the “Income Tax,” to pay for the coming “advances” with accruing interest made to the US government by the Jews of the Federal Reserve. And to this day, the between the Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of England under the dictates of international Jewry grows ever stronger with its attendant manipulation of America’s and England’s domestic and foreign policies acting in concert with each other.