Ghostcast Nic Drivers

Has anyone managed to take and deploy the image from the Dell 3010's using the ghost console method? We're a school which has around 250 dell 3010's onsite, the only way we've managed to take an image & redeploy it is using ghostcast & setting the drive to 2. Download Aplikasi Bahasa Assembly. Dell 3010 OS is Win7Pro x64, Server ghost version is 11.5.1.

Ghostcast Nic DriversGhostcast Network Drivers

Its not too bad, as we have automated ghost boot usb's, So far we're having to go around each suite once to USB boot to prep the ghostcast job, then once the image is complete, we go around a second time to boot again from usb to ghostwalk. If we use the console task, setting the drive to default, the PC will image, but then only boot to the ghost virtual partition. If we select drive 2 in console task, ghost task fails due to an invalid destination drive. We've spent quite some time on this, but we've only found the ghostcast method to be reliable.

I have created a USB Flash drive to boot ghostcast clients from but cannot get GX270 network drivers to load. Has Broadcom drivers but need to configure for Intel Pro 1000. Where can I go to read how to do this? I suspected you may be using Ghost Cast. I'm not familiar with it so can't comment on that, but I believe the 390 NIC driver should work with the 3010. I didn't actually update my flash drive with the 3010 drivers, it uses the 390 drivers. Regardless, get the 3010 driver from the Dell site and unzip the.exe using. Anyone know an easy way to make a bootable CD-ROM for Ghost? Looking to make one with a whole slew of NIC card drivers on it so I can boot any machine in my site and GhostCast it. The Ghost Boot Wizard seems to only support floppy disks.

Can't you take a floppy image and use nero ( or other software that supports making bootable cds ). Make an image of the floppy file ( I think there are utilities to do this, not sure which one ) and then when making a bootable cd, nero will ask you to specify a floppy boot img, specify the image of the ghost boot wizard floppy and you should be set. Just add all the nic drivers to the cd. Alternatively, there are many live rescue cds out there that have a norton ghost boot option, use MagicISO maker and you can add the drivers to the iso, save it and re-burn it. Finally, Norton Ghost 9 CD is bootable. Ryan ---------- Chelsea! Migration Procedures Advice Manual 3 Step.

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