Mangacan Serial Cantik

Mangacan Serial CantikRead Manga Serial Cantik

Hihihihi it's been awhile since last day i updated my journal in deviantArt. Heya, how are you? (Even though i think most of people here who befriend me already moved to another social media plattform) I'd like to inform that i had other accounts like instagram and tumblr under name [ @adrianelinerush ]. My tumblr already. Idk, five years old maybe?

Coba disini: >manga fox ( all genre ) >manga.animea ( romance ) >manga reader ( all genre ) どうも.

I post my art related daily life there. My IG relatively new and i still couldn't decide what to post there. Mostly doodles, indeed. We also has new fb fanpage [ aletheiacircle ] for event/con purposes, please kindly visit and greet us there XD For this account, i won't abandon this, it still serves as my digital gallery portfolio. I will still checking on this account, maybe not so often but if i had things fit as addition to my portfolio i'll upload them here. I think thats all for now. See you next time 0.0).

I wonder do people still using deviantArt, furthermore reading my journal entry? However-- I’m low in cash and need extra allowance a.s.a.p. Cyber Blue Bluetooth Driver. So every request would be done around 3 days max. *just terror me if i’m not working on it orz* It’s from 25$ and up (depending on details); size would be A4, 300 dpi with minimal BG. NSFW themes is OK. Cessna 172 Skyhawk Fsx Download. I will not do mecha, furry, or things i’m not sure i can draw well.

Download Game Multiplayer Bluetooth Untuk Hp Java. This price is valid for personal usage only; and if you happen to be my IRL or FB friend, please don’t tag me on my drawing at facebook:’)) style i am comfortable with: • sketch • monochrome • color blocks/cell shading payment: Payment can through Paypal or Indonesian bank. If you use paypal, please send payment as personal payment only and not as payment for products or goods. Additional transfer fee is your responsibility.

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